Every good manager acts as a mentor for their employees to help them succeed.ħ. Even as the boss, you’re not just there to boss people around. Mentor for Impact-Start Mentoring, Udemy. Curious what it takes to be a well-respected manager? This class will cover the common habits of successful leaders, as well as those that prevent you from performing at your best.Ħ. But, you do have to know how to speak in front of your team during meetings.ĥ. Sure, not every manager has to stand in front of the entire company and pitch their project.
Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking, Udemy. You may have a handle on your work now, but when you have assignments to complete and people to manage, you have to be a kick-ass time manager.Ĥ. Productivity and Time Management: Get More Done, Skillshare. Sometimes, you’ll be stuck between two fighting employees, or have to resolve a client issue, or have to put out a fire you never saw coming.ģ.
What does SMART stand for? And how can it help you lead a successful team (and prove to your boss you’re the person for the job)?Ģ. Achieve More in Less Time Using SMART Goals, Udemy. 10 Free Online Classes To Help You Become A Manager The Muse