When contracts are about to expire or have already expired, you will see warnings. If you do not have a valid contract for a Security Gateway, the Application Control blade and/or URL Filtering blade is disabled. Contact your Check Point representative to get full licenses and contracts. New installations and upgraded installations automatically receive a 30 day trial license and updates.
For clusters, make sure you have a contract and license for each cluster member. Make sure that each Security Gateway has a Security Gateway license and an Application Control contract and/or URL Filtering contract. Related TopicsĪpplication Control and URL Filtering Licensing and ContractsĮnabling Application Control on a Security GatewayĮnabling URL Filtering on a Security GatewayĬreating an Application Control and URL Filtering Policy
Application Control can be enabled on R75 or higher gateways and URL Filtering can be enabled on R75.20 or higher gateways. It is easy to get started with Application Control and URL Filtering after you install and configure your R76 environment.